Building with Energy Cost Savings in Mind.


Building with Energy Cost Savings in Mind.

As a builder, you know creating a new structure that is energy efficient is necessary to meet code requirements. However, as a building occupant that is running a business, you know it is equally important due to the cost associated with energy expenditures.

Energy represents about 19 percent of total expenditures for the typical office building. This clearly makes energy a significant operational cost deserving management attention. To better manage energy costs, there are a few things that can be done. It can either be approached from an internal energy conservation perspective, or from a structural energy conservation perspective. Here are some tips for both solution avenues.

When lights are not in use, they should be turned off. Signs can be posted around the office, so that employees can remember to turn the lights off to conserve energy. For every 1,000 kilowatts saved by turning things off, $100 is saved on a monthly utility bill. Other things that can be turned off are computers and office equipment, since a typical computer can use 200 watts per day. If it is shut down prior to an employee’s departure, or put into a low-usage sleep mode, it would save the company energy costs in the long run. Other things that can be put a reserved-mode are space heaters, or sometimes turning things “down” even can help. Some systems don’t turn off entirely, but instead can be turned to their lowest levels in order to consume the least amount of energy.

Although these methods are good practices regardless, they require businesses to rely on people to make them successful. A proactive, rather than a reactive approach is often essential, to see a true difference in cost savings long term. As we discussed in our previous post, daylighting is a prominent trend that is grabbing attention across all business industries. With daylighting, energy conservation occurs naturally and without the active participation of the environment occupants.

Daylighting can be incorporated into any business, and usually entails the installation of skylights to let natural light into the workplace, leaving little need for artificial lighting during business hours. By installing skylights, natural light becomes the primary form of light, thereby significantly cutting business energy costs. This creates a domino effect; without the light there is less heat, and with less heat, there is less AC begin used. So both electric and HVAC costs diminish. Businesses that have started participating in the daylighting practice saw energy costs being cut anywhere between 20-80 percent. Not only that, but they’ve also seen an overall improvement in employee performance and less people taking sick days, all due to light permeation throughout the environment.

Overall, managing business energy costs (and sometimes waste) is a cumbersome ordeal, however by taking steps in the right direction, a significant change can occur. So whether you are beginning a new building project, or trying to improve on one that already exists, Plasteco can help. Our vast array of skylights can meet any business requirements. From domed to polygonal, to ridged or circular skylights, Plasteco manufactures skylights that fit all different business needs. Not only do we provide a quality product you can depend on, but our high-quality installations ensure that you will experience your skylight in perfect form for years to come, and see your energy cost savings surge. Request a quote today by calling us at 713.673.7710.


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